Will the Pokemon Go Vibe Sneak Its Way Into Fashion?

Pokemon Go is all anyone seems to be talking about these days. The app-based game has spread its way into everybody’s hearts, even fashionistas’. As one of the fastest downloaded apps of all time, it looks like the game may well be taking over your wardrobe next. Here are 4 ways how Pokemon Go could sneak its…

What Does the Fashion Industry Think About The Brexit

On Thursday 23.06.2016, Britain made history with voting to leave the European Union. It is undoubtably a heartbreaking decision that many people never believed would happen. While many economical questions remain open, understanding the concrete consequences to the Brexit remain difficult to perceive. A bigger challenge is even to understand the direct effects of the Brexit on the fashion…

Do Cat-eye Sunglasses Make You Look Crazy ?

My co.Writer and BFF been going crazy (funny I said crazy) for cat-eye sunglasses, squarish, ovals, hexagonal, white, orange, yellow and what not! She is crazy .. But we are not talking about being crazy, we are talking about “looking crazy”. She sent us on a whatsapp group two weeks ago a photo of her in a…

How To Tell Someone They Smell!

Ok no joke but we have all been there! There was always this classmate, colleague or friend that either occasionally or chronically smelled. It’s hard to say something but it’s harder to work or even exist in the same space with them. As delicate as this topic is, there should be a way to solve the awkwardness…

Is Online Shopping Taking Away Your BFF Moment?

I have never been a big fan of online shopping…I know its super easy and saves up a lot of time especially for working people who don’t live in cosmo cities and a next door 7/11. I am old school, I wait impatiently for THE shopping event I planned with X and Y and I…

Lebanese Designer Gets Backlash after Honoring Arab Culture

Neither Emma Boutros nor her brand Poise need an introduction, as she has been building her brand with perfection for the past years and was able to set a huge mark in the fashion industry not only in the middle east but also world wide. I had the pleasure working with the designer herself and I…

Is Louboutin Redefining The Definition of “Nude”?

The industry has been long criticized for so many things that I can no longer keep up with it’s B-list behavior; Sexism, racism, inhuman-consciousness…you name it, the list goes on. However Louboutin’s recent launch of his “Nude Flats” collection have put one issue on the spotlight for me which gave a different perspective on what…

Art That Is Worth Investing In

We are all sick of pretentious art. You know that kind that makes up anything – any excuse – to call itself art. We are sick of it because we respect art and artist – true artist – too much to accept the pretentiousness of consumerism and of nobelism that is unreal, untruthful and inauthentic…