Do Cat-eye Sunglasses Make You Look Crazy ?

My co.Writer and BFF been going crazy (funny I said crazy) for cat-eye sunglasses, squarish, ovals, hexagonal, white, orange, yellow and what not! She is crazy .. But we are not talking about being crazy, we are talking about “looking crazy”.

She sent us on a whatsapp group two weeks ago a photo of her in a lovely pair of modern cat-eye sunglasses with an edgy slit on the side (oh no I used the word “edgy”). She sent us the picture with a caption “hey, do I look like a crazy lady in those glasses” hinting a hesitation to buy. Apparently she was at PicknWeight with a friend of hers, who told her that the glasses make her look like a crazy lady.Her boyfriend agreed, thus this consulting text we got on whatsapp. Even though we disagreed a proved our love for the fascinating pair, she still didn’t end up getting them.

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So DO cat-eye sunglasses make you look crazy ? How can anything LOOK crazy anyway? And why do we even care! Does the name/shape cat-eye remind us of 30-year old women living with 13 cats? perhaps the word “Cat” that works like a stimuli and we unconsciously get reminded of that crazy, lonely lady living next door with 13 cats.

Whatever the reason is, we think cat-eye glasses are fabulous and if they make us look crazy, then its good crazy not bad crazy. They make us stand out, they make a statement and they drop a lovely accent to a well defined outfit. It’s all about the retro / vintage modern fashion that kicked in and took us all by storm. We are all fond of that plisse skirt, that button up shirt and high wasted pants, so why not take it up an nudge and wear the retros on your face.

Who can wear them? …Anyone can!
I personally am in love with cat-eye sunglasses, it almost suits any face shape! They are quite the craze, with 2 main styles, the traditional 50’s style with a swoop edge, and the wider, softer 80’s adaptation. With many many variations of these two going from super-dramatic for the girls who want to BE The statement, and the ultra-mainstream for girls with a statement to make. Their pointed edges and their softer style makes these sunglasses the must have of this summer. No matter how crazy glam they will make you look ! They are definitely worth it.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. briandalynn says:

    Absolutely love cat eye glasses!

    1. Right!? THEY are AWESOME!! #hatersgonahate

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